
Self protection

The fact that many people unconsciously radiate stressful or angry emotions, means that we need protection. Different shamans protect themselves in different ways, often with the power of an animal spirit or ally, or a Spirit Protector. Also, a protective shield can be made with certain power objects or symbols, either held near the body or held in the mind. The secret of this is to discover through a vision, dream or meditation, an animal spirit or symbol which signifies to you protective power. Or you can become conscious of a Spirit Ally who you feel is protective of you.

Another way is to realize yourself in the center of the Medicine Wheel, with the great powers of the four directions protecting the circle around you. Two other ways of protection are fundamental in the shamanic way. One is to withdraw your sensitive energy back into your own body space, by concentrating the breath and attention just in the body, or into a tight aura around the body. This is known as a Collected State of energy, which is withdrawing into your own body and feeling your energies concentrated in the breath and body. As part of this practice, one concentrates attention on the body sensation and the earthy groundedness of the body. If any unwanted kind of energy comes into your space, or is still left there, then you can breathe this out into the ground below, as though your feet were a drainpipe for any negative energies. In this way you maintain a groundedness in the body and with the earth, allow anything unwanted or troublesome to dissipate into the earth compost heap. You should practice this Collected State at times of peace, and so develop that power before it is actually needed. And then when you do need this, you will already be skilled at it.

The simplest way to practice this is to sit peacefully and just be aware of the breath and the sensations of the body. Bring all your attention to just the body and develop a groundedness with the earth. Then just circulate energy from the earth to the body and back again, through the breath. As you practice this, you become more grounded, as well as protected. After establishing this groundedness, you can then reach up to the Sky Spirits and ask to be protected. You might also receive a psychic power object, such as a staff, a tomahawk or a mandala, which can be used for psychic protection

The other fundamental way of protection is through the expanding aura, already mentioned. If your energy, love, and consciousness is positively outgoing and strong, then this itself is your protection. When energy is expanding there is nothing which can come in, because the flow is outgoing. This expansiveness can be maintained, as the positive aura is developed, and this aura will be your protection.

Practice the expansion of your aura, feeling your positive presence expand. Then, imagine negative vibrations or arrows coming at you, and practice stopping them at a distance, or seeing how your outgoing positive energy protects you at a distance. This way of protection is actually the most effective, and it can be combined with Spirit help as well. And it also helps transform any negative or stressful space into a harmonious and peaceful space. For the power of love and light is a far greater power than any other, and it eventually transforms all negativity.

Some shamans throw back arrows when negativity comes their way, either intentionally or not, but this is really a low level of shamanism, and the power of positivity is ultimately the most effective way to transform a fight or disagreement, or anger or hate.

The reason that many people are negatively effected by others is primarily because they have weak auras and have not developed expansiveness of their own positive presence. It is also often because they hold onto the same kind of emotions, and so attract similar vibrations to themselves. So part of the answer is to deal with your own stuff, and refrain from blaming others for your own negative feelings and reactions. If you are positive and within the power of love, then any negative stuff thrown about from others will seem very small and trivial.

A very important practical way to develop protection is to develop your own personal psychic strength and the ability to maintain a collectivity of your own energies and your own sacred space. Personal sacred space is important to the Native People, and children are taught early on to respect the personal space of others, and not be imposing on others. But also people need to learn to protect their own sacred space, and not allow themselves to be brought down or drained or negatively influenced by lower energies and vibrations. So you need to develop your own power and be strong in your own light. The following practice will help you be collected in your own sacred space, and then from this self-collectivity you can give to others a higher form of good energy, and also receive from others and allow others into your sacred space when you feel their energy to be good and loving.

First you need to develop the ability to concentrate and collect good energy in your own sacred space. Often our energies and sensitivities are scattered and dispersed all over the place, so we first need to bring these energies back to our own center, which is recollecting ourself. If you ever feel the need for protection and inner safety, this practice will be beneficial to you.

First, withdraw your sensitive and vital energy back into your own body space, by concentrating the breath and attention just in the body, or into a protected aura around the body. This is known as a Collected State of energy, which is being aware of your own power of the breath and feeling your energies concentrated in the body or in the aura around you. You can develop this power of collectivity by concentrating attention on the body sensation and the groundedness of the body. If any unwanted kind of energy does happen to come into your space, then you can simply release this out into the ground below, through your out-breath. In this way you maintain a groundedness in the body and with the earth, and release anything unwanted or troublesome back into the earth compost. You should practice this Collected State and groundedness at times of peace, and so develop that power before it is actually needed. And then when you do need this, you will already be skilled at it.

A self-protection practice

Practice this now, so you get a sense of it.

Sit comfortably and peaceful, and just be aware of the breath and the sensations of the body. Bring all your attention to just the body and the power of the breath, and sense your groundedness with the earth. Breathe vital and strengthening energy up from the earth to the body, sensing yourself as more strong and vital. And on the out-breath, ground your energy deep into the Earth, and feel the release of any disturbed energy. So, on the out-breath you are releasing all impurities and grounding yourself into the earth. And on the in-breath you are receiving the earth’s vital energy. This practice will purify, strengthen and protect you. Pause...

Now, continue to remain aware of the breath, while sensing your body. Feel grounded in your body and sense the vital energy of your body. Keep your attention on the sensation of your body, sensing the body from head to toe and back again.

Continue in this sensing...

Now, still remaining conscious of the breath, be aware of your own energy field, the energy around you. Feel this energy protected and sealed around you. Know that with the power of conscious breath, you have the power to keep this energy collected and concentrated in the space around you. Know that with the breath you can add to this energy, or you can expand this energy into a greater space around you. Feel your own power of self-control and hold this energy collected around you. Pause...

Feel the energy around you as vital but also peaceful. Feel the power of your conscious breath maintaining this vitality and peace. Use the power of breath to calm all energies into a peaceful reservoir of self-collected energy. Feel strong, collected, and at peace. This is your own energy power. Know this energy as your own, and that nothing can harm or take away this energy. Pause...

Now you are ready to expand this collected energy. Begin to feel your energy field expand in its strength and power, and into the space around you. Let your energy and presence slowly expand more outward on each out-breath. Feel your energy power and presence as more expansive. Feel the sense of being a greater power or presence in the world. Pause...

Next, become aware of your inner love presence, the love within you. Be aware of your love wanting to expand and be shared into the world. Begin to let this love move outward and expand. On the in-breath, feel your love strengthen around you, and on the out-breath let this love expand out into the world.

Take in deep slow and breaths, and breathe your love out into the waiting world. Feel the strengthening of your love, and the sharing of your love. Feel the expansiveness of your love presence. Let your consciousness expand, to include more and more of the whole world and all the relations of Life. And let your love expand outward with this expansion of consciousness. Breathe out and expand your love consciousness to all the world.

Continue this for as long as you like.

This expansion of energy and love and consciousness will increase your personal power of love expression. If your energy, love, and consciousness is positively outgoing and strong, then this itself is protection. When energy is expanding outward, then nothing harmful can come in, because the flow is outgoing. This expansiveness of your aura will be your protection, as you feel your positive presence expand.

Practice feeling your love presence expand and sense the strength of this outgoing presence. Then, you might imagine negative vibrations or arrows coming at you, and see how they have no power to enter your outgoing, expanding presence. See how your outgoing positive energy protects you at a distance. This way of protection is actually the most effective, and it can be combined with Spirit help as well. And it also helps transform any negative energies into harmonious and loving energies. For the power of love and light is a far greater power than any other, which transforms any negativity.